Replanning a major transformation programme

The Client Problem

The client had previously embarked on a major replatforming of their core banking systems. This highly ambitious programme had been paused then stopped, the client recognising that the original programme and overarching intent was too much of a stretch to deliver and carried too much risk.

What we did

PiC had led activity previously on assurance that helped inform the decision to stop the programme.  We were then invited to lead the replan; this required us to work with the client to develop a new roadmap for the transformation that better balanced the identified target outcomes with the capacity and capability to deliver, built logically and securely, and which included activity to develop delivery capability in parallel.

How we did it

We designed and ran the process to review and clarify strategic priorities, developed the assessment criteria, and then built and tested a number of options. These were filtered and the preferred option was agreed with the Executive.  We then constructed the roadmap, working with all stakeholders to agree an acceptable trade-off between risk, capacity and capability to deliver, and payback on investment.

We took the client through a structured process, providing reassurance in the context of the recent ‘shock’ of the previous programme; identifying lessons learned and consequent design principles; and designing a roadmap that balanced competing forces, together with recommendations for the delivery model, governance, and capability development that would provide increased robustness and resilience in expediting the new roadmap.

Results and Learnings

The eventual outcomes were an agreed five-year roadmap for the transformation of the client’s delivery capability, with outline costings and associated case for change.

  • The importance of objective process: the client did not have the capability to undertake this activity themselves and was understandably nervous after the previous stall. The robust approach was supported by a well-structured and pacy plan – continued good progress and frequent checkpoints help build confidence.
  • Robustness: we were prepared for tough conversations when required but worked with the client to agree HOW we would work to try to drive compromises where necessary. From the off it was clear that not all of the Executives wishes, and aspirations could be delivered, and rigorous stakeholder management and engagement, coupled with well-designed working sessions, helped us work with the client to build alignment for the final recommendation.
  • Partnering: although the client could not have undertaken this work without our support it was equally true that we could not deliver without close work with the client’s SMEs and Executive.
  • Time: getting enough input from key stakeholders was vital given the range of understandable tensions.




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