Digital Transformation Roadmap

The Client Problem

Our client supplies tailored corporate workwear to over 4 million people in the UK. Following analysis of the group-wide business processes and the current IT landscape, they have launched an important transformation programme that aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business to service and grow the current client base and attract new business.

Our client required support in the development of a digitally focussed change roadmap, delivering business efficiencies in both the immediate and longer term for their B2B and B2C businesses.

What we did

We quickly mobilised the work to provide clarity on exactly how the client will deliver on its vision. This was supported by the following key deliverables:

  • Prioritisation principles
  • A to-be vision of both a 12-month environment and a longer term one
  • A prioritised short-list of change initiatives
  • An iterative roadmap and plan
  • A robust initial business case
  • An outline plan and approach for delivery

How we did it

Started and conducted during Covid locked-down conditions, our consultants established good virtual links with the client teams who were also mainly working from home in different locations across the UK.

From initial discovery meetings and workshop we pull together the ‘long-list’ of current initiatives, met with the teams and sponsors, understood the initiatives statuses and challenges. We also validated it the ‘long=list’ was complete and should other initiatives be included.

Applied the prioritisation principles and fed back via meeting and workshops to the leaders and sponsors, identifying which combination of initiatives, best delivered the overall client ambition, and in an acceptable timeframe and budget.

Developed the ‘short-list’ of initiatives, gained executive approval then supported this with a Digital Delivery Roadmap and plans for the kick-off for the initial projects.

Results and Learnings

Work is ongoing however some of the key learnings include:

Accepting the remote working environment will be here for a prolonged period, setting up support structures and forums to ensure we are engaging with the right people in a timely and appropriate way

Being sensitive to the different working environment for all participants and ensuring we optimise our time with the clients who are juggling multiple activities.

Building the trust of clients across all roles, by being seen as working WITH them and being part of the team, not doing it TO them as clients.




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