

New technology, rapidly evolving customer expectations and the ever-present threat of disruptors means designing your organisation around the wants and needs of your customers has never been more important.

Our CX advisory service can help your organisation identify, design and deliver experiences that delight your customers, empower your colleagues and increase efficiency.


Improvement Roadmap informed by diagnostics and root-cause analysis

Even the best operations leaders (and their continuous improvement teams) can find it difficult to get to the bottom of issues such as customer complaints, performance failure, retention or skills challenges.  Getting help from an experienced, objective external consulting partner can be a very useful step, getting you quickly to the root-causes and potential solutions.

Our assessment approach is thorough, practical and empathetic. It is based on workshops, interviews and observation. We ask questions and listen hard to stakeholders before any analytics are deployed.

Our approach is highly flexible, calm and collaborative. How we build the improvement roadmap depends on your needs and preferences, but it will always be a positive experience carefully balancing process, operations, skills, behaviour and technology change.



  • Your organisation finds itself at a crossroads where there is friction or inefficiency in customer service, but it is unclear whether issues lie with process, people, technology or data
  • You have produced an outline improvement plan, but help is required to get to the next level of detail on priorities, sequence and benefits

How PiC
can help

  • Constructive, calm and collaborative engagement with your team sharing ideas, approaches and creative thinking
  • An initial ‘straw man’ of potential solutions and how they might fit together
  • A prioritised improvement roadmap with milestones and a ‘build’ of new capabilities and benefits

Sales Optimisation (B2C, B2B)

Business-to-business sales performance is driven by a complex mix of relationships, behaviours, information and process quality, usability and automation, as well as many human factors.

PiC can help you make a difference to performance in two main areas:

  • through behavioural and motivational support
  • by addressing friction in the end-to-end business customer experience

sales performance, especially beyond the store environment, is often closely related to the quality of the customer experience. We can help you map, design and optimise the key human and automated interactions, focusing on both the customer and colleague experiences.



  • Your sales performance is not meeting expectations/targets and is proving difficult to improve
  • New sales processes and tools have been rolled-out but are not being successfully adopted, leading to disappointing impacts

How PiC
can help

  • Create an outside-in view of the customer experience identifying areas of friction and pain-points along with recommendations on how to address them
  • Design a practical, experience-based sales improvement roadmap aimed at improving performance through people, process, operations and (simple) tools

Service Performance Improvement

By their nature, every service organisation (whether in field, in branch or via contact centre) has a busy change portfolio. As a result, they sometimes need help either to orchestrate multiple change activities or to deliver a specific project.

No two change portfolios are ever alike however experience shows us that two common themes are often present:

  • How best to organise and manage people, process, operations and technology projects to achieve the best outcomes
  • How to mobilise the right team, plan effectively and deliver a new product, service, channel, process, tool or performance improvement project


Our people bring an impressive blend of practical service experience, coupled with strong project and delivery disciplines that will help you achieve successful and sustainable results.



  • If you have issues with service levels, negative customer sentiment, uptake of digital channels, colleague dissatisfaction etc. and they are proving difficult to solve
  • When your continuous improvement or change project team is short of key capabilities or capacity – or you want an objective, expert view to help you progress

How PiC
can help

  • Hands-on support for your customer service portfolio – whether planning and orchestration or specific expert input
  • Practical support to deliver key projects and to embed change in the service operation
  • A positive boost to the confidence in, and pace of, project delivery

Automation & AI Advisory

There are some brilliant examples of successful automation in sales and service (as well as some less-than-brilliant ones). Technology advances, including AI, are making things possible (and affordable) that seemed impossible only five years ago but they still need to be carefully designed and deployed.

However, there is also a flurry of hype with vendors and consultants falling over themselves to over- promise (and usually under-deliver).

We have experience of many real-life implementations of automation, both standalone and AI-powered.

We have good relationships with leading vendors who understand our approach, understand our independent position and will provide a ‘no-nonsense’ demonstration or introduce you to some of their successful case studies, if that is helpful.



  • If you are considering customer-facing automation, whether AI-powered or not, but finding it difficult to navigate the market and are overwhelmed by the options available
  • If you have selected an automation technology and you want to find the right target use cases to manage risk and maximise uptake and benefits

How PiC
can help

  • Practical ‘art-of-the-sensible’ workshops with SMEs that have seen automation work (and not work) in practice and can share their experiences and objective advice
  • Specific, tailored advice on key topics, such as choosing the right pilot, maximising customer trust and uptake, operationalisation of automation and AI, etc.

Outsourcing – Selection & Advisory

If you are exploring options around whether to outsource or which of the many potential partners, locations or contract types might work best for your sales or service operations, we bring skills and experience in the operational, commercial and implementation aspects of the outsource transition.

This expertise can also be useful when helping our customers reset a difficult outsource relationship or improve a service that isn’t performing as expected. We fully understand the added challenge of navigating contractual constraints and SLAs between client and outsourcer, all of which requires experience, independence and objectivity.



  • If you have decided that outsourcing of sales or service activity is a part of your strategy and you are looking to engage with the market to find the right partner
  • If you are already outsourcing and the performance, quality or cost are not meeting your expectations
  • if you are experiencing persistent friction in supplier relationship(s)

How PiC
can help

  • Practical advice and support from sourcing, operational and commercial specialists to help you specify, procure, contract and transition to the new partnership
  • Expert review, diagnostics and help to improve, reset (or potentially re-let) the service.

Project Stabilisation & Recovery

Partners in Change is renowned for a practical, hands-on approach to projects and programmes. Our calm and collaborative approach is well suited to helping when a project is stressed or failing.

The combination of the steadying influence of experienced project leaders, combined with the injection of the right customer-oriented skills and experience, at the right time, can make all the difference.

We get to grips with the planning and resourcing, solve complex problems and help to reset supplier and partner relationships. In parallel we coaching project leaders on the best way forward, leaving a legacy of change excellence long after we have finished our engagement.



  • If there are issues holding a project or programme back, such as scope-creep, a weak plan, missing skills, poorly managed dependencies or low morale
  • If senior stakeholders are losing confidence in the project or there are stresses and strains in supplier relationships

How PiC
can help

  • A rapid, hands-on project diagnostic, reviewing plans and deliverables, understanding team dynamics, identifying the root causes of the issues and recommending specific remedial actions
  • A tailored blend of experienced project leaders, business analysts, planners and SMEs

Embedding the Change

A sales or service environment is typically very busy and can often suffer from medium/high staff turnover. In such an environment, making change stick is especially challenging.

B2B and B2C environments each have unique challenges, but experience tells us that in both it is often the supporting players that are key to successfully embedding change. Team leaders, coaches, performance and quality managers and others with experience within the business all have a role to play.

We will work with you to bring together the ‘outside-in’ view of how the customer experience needs to change and the ‘inside-out’ view of what needs to happen to processes, tools, information and ways- of-working. We’ll engage and collaborate with all of your people to make it happen.



  • If you are planning change in your field service, contact centre or digital service channels and you want to make it stick
  • If customer and/or colleague adoption of new channels or new technology, or new ways-of-working, are not reaching the levels you expected

How PiC
can help

  • Either a change and adoption plan, or a review of your existing plans with expert recommendations on
  • how to maximise customer uptake while maintaining trust, loyalty and accessibility
  • the best ways to engage your people and support them through the change journey.


ISQM1: Leveraging your investment to drive business value.

ISQM1 is a challenging standard, yet it has the potential to offer terrific rewards for firms that embrace its principles and recognise them as a platform for value creation.    ISQM1 – The story so far The International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM1) is now a year into its implementation journey. For firms that perform […]

The Five Myths of the Steering Group.

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