PiC helps businesses of all sizes navigate the complex and constantly evolving world of digital change.  Whether you’re a start-up looking to get off the ground or a large organisation seeking to revamp your digital presence, we have the skills and expertise to help you achieve your ambitions and deliver outstanding value from your digital change.

PiC provide a comprehensive set of services to support your digital ambitions. We’re proud to offer expertise across all aspects of digital change; truly successful and sustainable change requires a thorough understanding of the target customer, organisational leadership, current and future technology, the data ecosystem and the change delivery requirements unique to your business. Our approach seeks to both strengthen short-term performance and create the conditions for sustainable long-term improvement that will drive efficiency, empower your people and delight your customers.

Common digital challenges


The digital landscape is ever-changing and new technologies are constantly emerging. Our clients typically share with us challenges such as:

  1. How do we create a digital strategy that is understood by all and aligns with our overall business goals and objectives?
  2. How can our digital strategy help us to deliver the conflicting priorities of driving growth and at the same time reducing our costs?
  3. How do we attract and retain digital talent with the necessary skills and experience?
  4. How do we create a culture that embraces digital innovation and change?
  5. How do we establish buy-in and ongoing support from our leadership group such that they help drive digital initiatives and overcome resistance to change?
  6. How can we make the best use of our data to better serve and engage our customers?
  7. Why do we struggle to move quickly and what can we do about it?
  8. Should we be adopting new agile ways of working across our business?
  9. How do we accelerate digital delivery to achieve quick wins as well as deliver lasting value?
  10. How can we use AI and machine learning to improve our business operations and decision-making?
  11. What is an appropriate governance framework for managing digital initiatives and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations?

How can PiC help? The power of our end-to-end approach


PiC is structured to support you across your entire digital delivery journey. Our approach is designed to deliver your desired outcomes using our suite of proven best practice methods, tools and frameworks.

We’ll partner with you to define your digital ambitions, understand your digital maturity and help shape an approach that works best for your organisation.

Our digital change and transformation approach is designed to equip you with:

  • Clear change and digital leadership allied to structured stakeholder governance
  • A step change in digital capability and new ways of working that empowers your people to innovate and drive growth
  • A customer-centric, customer-first organisational mindset
  • Carefully designed colleague processes and customer journeys
  • A data-ecosystem designed to maximise data utility, with analytics creating valuable insights to drive brilliant decision-making
  • Customer-facing colleagues equipped with the right technology, enabling great decisions and driving brilliant customer experience
  • Change delivery requirements that are captured, understood, challenged, communicated and customer focused
  • New, agile ways of working to drive better, quicker decisions and accelerate a ‘right first time’ implementation
  • A clear and committed plan for your digital journey, identifying automation
  • A culture where constant change is expected, encouraged and embraced by all

Our team has a wealth of experience in helping organisations assess their current state and identifying areas for improvement, developing and implementing strategies designed to leverage digital technology to delight their customers, empower their people and drive business growth.

We’re passionate about helping our customer organisations realise their full potential in the digital age. We’re proud to say our clients’ love our work and we would love the opportunity to partner with you on your digital journey.


Ten key questions to help drive digital transformation success.

Despite what technology providers tell you, new technology in any organisation is rarely plug and play. Before any commitments are made, we would recommend that ambitious businesses ask themselves these ten questions. Digital transformation can bring about significant benefits for businesses, including increased efficiency, improved customer experiences, and new revenue streams. However, it is important […]

Digital transformation: Technology and data alone are never the answer.

Digital is often thought of as being synonymous with technology and data, and it is true that these are important aspects of the digital landscape. However, digital is about much more than just tech and data. In fact, if any digital transformation is to be truly successful it must encompass and orchestrate change across a […]

Digital Trends 2023.

Understanding current and future digital trends is a vital activity for every organisation. With tech developing at ever-increasing speeds, mapping the future technological ‘art of the possible’ to your customers’ wants and needs is a core capability that should sit at the heart of your organisation’s growth engine. At PiC we see eight important trends […]



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