
Dave Jepson

Founding Director


“Whatever you can do or dream, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Setting up Partners in Change was a dream, based on our belief, itself founded on many years’ experience, that there was a better way of delivering change.  The word ‘partner’ says it all – we partner with our consultants and associates; we partner with our clients; and we partner with the wider change community.  We genuinely believe in ‘getting better by the day’, sharing the effort, the risk, and the benefits.

My background includes line and consulting roles, always with a focus on improving performance, whether through technology enabled change, organisational and process changes, or most often, a combination.  I love working with teams who care for each other and their customers, and who strive to improve, and are open-minded about doing so.  We have a mantra that the ‘how’ is at least as important as the ‘what’.  A piece of feedback I am especially proud of came from a Director of a major transformation programme, who commented, ‘I was amazed by how much he [Dave] got from the team’.

Every interaction I have with our partners really is a joy, even the tough ones, because they either demonstrate the progress we’ve made, or they highlight another opportunity to do even better.


Financial Services

Provided an embedded Assurance service that worked alongside both the delivery programme and the executive to give critical oversight and support.


With the HR Director,  improved the communications and capability to support global operating model change, arresting falling morale and employee resistance.


With the Divisional Exec team, established agreed change leadership competences, designed and ran the programme to uplift as part of an overall transformation programme.


Led the business change activity for a global, £130m CRM implementation to support an international team of deployment leads that were supporting a challenging regional roll-out.


Developed the business change method and toolset for a major consultancy organisation, including approach, tools, training,  packaging, and the up-skilling of the consulting team.


Recovered struggling portfolio by applying our toolset and working intensively with the Exec Board to clarify the outcomes, re-align the portfolio and establish the right PMO and controls.


Orchestrated Europe’s largest retail ERP programme, supporting Programme Director with mobilisation, governance, delivery control and the relationships with key stakeholders.


Led rapid review of partner management. Identifies issues, worked with stakeholders to agree necessary capabilities uplifts to  improve value from delivery partners.


Led the redesign of Waste-Water field operations, enabling >25% improvement in performance efficiency and significant uplift in service.

Prof. Services

Accelerated execution of strategy by re-assessing pilots, identifying lessons and consequent improvements for roll-out. Enabled significant improvement on return on investment


Periodic Assurance

Supporting the journey into a new market for the client

Embedded Assurance

Working collaboratively, alongside the delivery team and the executive



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