
Graham Murray



“The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work”

Graham Murray, Associate

Graham has been involved in IT, Technology and Business Change over 35 years working on the client side, for ‘Big Four’ Consultancies and as an independent, mainly in the insurance and Banking sectors as well as other sectors such as Manufacturing, Retail and Healthcare.  Graham relishes the challenge of working with people to deliver an outcome some thought not possible either due to complexity or time constraints.

‘I have worked across many types of change programmes and, while all have their own “personalities”, at the core is the need for an organisation to deliver a new or changed capability.  Working with the client I identify the critical success factors and adapt the style and methods to align with the client’s culture and way of working to drive the team to successful delivery.  I have the maturity and experience to communicate in a straightforward manner across all levels ensuring open and honest dialogue whether good news or challenging issues to be addressed.  Partners in Change is built on people with similar and shared experiences to my own which is why I am excited working with the wider team and our Clients’.

Graham has successfully delivered business transformations, cost reduction, NPD, M&A, regulatory remediation, and IT technology transformations over the years and he is driven still to learn from and enjoy each new challenge and share that with the team.

He enjoys time away from work with his three “children” and two grandchildren he is rarely looking for activities to fill his time!



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