Despite what technology providers tell you, new technology in any organisation is rarely plug and play. Before any commitments are made, we would recommend that ambitious businesses ask themselves these ten questions.

Digital transformation can bring about significant benefits for businesses, including increased efficiency, improved customer experiences, and new revenue streams. However, it is important to approach digital transformation with care and planning, as a poorly executed transformation can lead to disruptions, wasted resources, and even failure.

To avoid any digital transformation disaster, we believe it is important to address the following questions as you embark on the journey ahead:

  1. What is the business objective of the digital transformation? It is important to have a clear understanding of the ambitions and outcomes that the transformation is intended to achieve.
  2. Who will be impacted by the transformation, and how? It is important to consider the potential impact on employees, customers, and other stakeholders, and to plan for any necessary changes.
  3. What resources will be needed to support the transformation? This includes financial, technical, and human resources, as well as any necessary training or support.
  4. What is the timeline for the transformation, and is it realistic? It is important to have a clear plan and timeline in place, but it is also important to be realistic about the time and resources that will be needed. Crucially, the timeline must blend both technology and organisational components.
  5. How will the transformation be managed and governed? It is important to have a clear structure and process in place for managing the transformation, including roles and responsibilities, decision-making processes, and communication channels.
  6. How will the transformation be funded, and what is the budget? It is important to have a clear understanding of the financial resources that will be needed to support the transformation, as well as any potential risks or uncertainties.
  7. How will the transformation be measured and evaluated? It is important to have a clear plan for tracking progress and measuring the success through agreed objectives and key results (OKRs).
  8. What are the potential risks and challenges of the transformation, and how will they be addressed? Planning for any potential risks and challenges, together with mitigations is a vital step.
  9. How will the transformation be communicated to employees and stakeholders? A clear and effective communication plan, pitched to resonate with (rather than alarm or unsettle) target employee groups and other stakeholders will maintain a high level of engagement throughout the transformation.
  10. How will your organisation adapt to changes and new technologies in the future? The pace of technological change means every business must now see change as a constant activity.

In conclusion, avoiding the pitfalls of a digital disaster requires a proactive and comprehensive approach. At PIC Digital we are confident that through asking these ten questions, businesses can help ensure that their digital transformation is well-planned, well-executed, and most importantly, successful.