Archive for the
‘Vignettes’ Category

Led set-up of a new regulated insurance business. $250m initiative covering business case, regulatory approval, processes, IT solutions, recruitment and customer on-boarding.

Up-skilled 200+ people in change leadership using tailored training and coaching material. Established collaboration and support facilities to sustain the improvements over time.

Recovered failing roll-out of new branch platform by coordinating across the multiple suppliers, providing clear accountability, strong leadership and rapid problem resolution.

25 January 2021


Geoff Mason


Led a joint team to develop replacement pensions platform services using a hybrid Agile approach, which was further assessed, improved and used on other similar programmes.

Turned around ERP programme that was 15 months late, 3x over budget and had missed 2 ‘go live’ dates. Re-built the team, revised the plan, took control and delivered by the revised date.